Buntovnik s vizijom – retrospektivna izložba Vjenceslava Richtera / Rebel With a Vision – Vjenceslav Richter: A Retrospective

Vjenceslav Richter bio je buntovnik, vizionar, arhitekt i svestrani umjetnik čiji je fascinantan opus prikazan presjekom radova nastalih u poslijednjih pedesetak godina.

Obzirom da je u svojim radovima analizirao antigravitacijska svojstva koja se čine gotovo nestvarna, skulpture su postavljene na postamente koji  svojom konstrukcijom stvaraju dojam lebdenja u prostoru. Fascinantni, ručno izrađeni nacrti izloženi su u svijetlećim vitrinama kako bi se naglasak stavio upravo na čistoću i preciznost rada.

Izložba je gostovala u Neue Galerie Graz u Austriji te u Wevelgemu u Belgiji u prostoru Richterovog paviljona sagrađenog za EXPO 1958.godine.

Richter was a rebel, a visionary, an architect, and a versatile artist whose fascinating oeuvre is presented through a selection of works created in the last fifty years. Many of these works earned international acclaim and are presented as models, blueprints, sculptures, drawings, and prints. Given that in his work he analyzed anti-gravity properties, the sculptures are set on stands whose structure gives the impression of floating in space. His fascinating, hand-drawn blueprints are placed in floodlit cabinets in order to emphasize the purity and precision of Richter’s work.

The exhibition was hosted at the Neue Galerie Graz in Austria and in Wevelgem, Belgium inside the Richter Pavilion built for the EXPO 1958.

/ Client: MSU Zagreb

/ Co-authors:
Vedran Kasap, Clinica studio d.o.o.
Ozana Ursić, Clinica studio d.o.o.
Vladimir Končar, Revolucija dizajna d.o.o.

Autorica izložbe / Author of the exhibition:
Vesna Meštrić

realizacija / realization: 10/2017


MSU Zagreb

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