Od imaginacije do animacije: šest desetljeća Zagreb Filma / From Imagination to Animation: Six Decades of Zagreb Film

Naglašavanjem osnovnih likovnih elemenata i njihovom transformacijom u vizualne i konstruktivne nosioce  izložbe stvoren je likovni jezik koji se referiria na prepoznatljiv rukopis Zagreb Filma. Dodavanjem treće dimenzije plošnim oblicima s ekrana formirana je grupa specifičnih elemenata, nosioca bogatog i raznovrsnog izložbenog sadržaja. Predimenzionirani dijelovi inventara i stari televizori korišteni za prikazivanje filmova, odrasle posjetitelje vraćaju u djetinjstvno dok pojedini interaktivni elementi pružaju posjetiteljima iskustvo boravka u omiljenim animiranim filmovima.

By emphasizing basic visual elements and their transformation into the main visual and constructional conveyors of the message of the exhibition, a visual language was created that refers to the distinctive identity of Zagreb Film. By adding a third dimension to the flat shapes on the screens, a group of specific elements was formed to communicate abundant and diverse content of the exhibition. Oversized inventory pieces and old TV sets used to screen films take adult visitors back to their childhood, while certain interactive elements lead visitors to experience their favourite animated movies.

/ Client: MSU Zagreb

/ Co-Authors of the Visual set-up:
Vedran Kasap
Ozana Ursić
Vladimir Končar

Autorica izložbe / Exhibition Author:
Simon Bogojević Narath, Vesna Meštrić i Snježana Pintarić

Fotografije / Photo:
NIkola Zelmanović

Realizacija / Realization: 01/2020

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